Monday, August 10, 2009

Life is Full and Busy!

Wow, I can't believe how time passes by. Life is incredibly busy but I would not change it one bit! So the last time I entered a blog was about Eldon writing and researching a paper on his Great Grandfather, Donald Wendal Miller. A lot has happened since then, so here is an update.

Eldon graduated from Jackson Middle School and is eager to attend high school. He is growing like a weed, and at this point has a couple more inches to pass me to be the tallest in the immediate family. He stands straight and tall and loving that he has passed his older brother in height. He looks forward to the day he can take him down in a one on one match in wrestling. But remember boys, "Not in the house, you could hurt each other:)"
Hayden is now attending Lincoln high school for his senior year. He is eager to help contribute to the Cardinal Baseball program. He had the highest batting average of .425 for this summer season. Both boys have been busy with full baseball schedules this summer and helping pack and get ready for our big move to our new "office looking house."
Coach Herder is excited to be the head coach of Lincoln Baseball. Ever since I met him he has been involved in coaching baseball. We met over 20 years ago, I was turning 21 and he was 23. He spent his summers volunteering endless hours coaching youth in the Jackson Babe Ruth program. Ever since the age of 16 he has helped coach a team. Now at age 43, he has coached our boys all these years through t-ball and Federal Junior baseball and beyond. He has carried up to 4 teams at various times, and recently volunteered his time with 5th grade boys, which many were from the 5th graders he taught. I hope one day Hayden and Eldon you will see and value what your father and I feel sports give youth. We both feel sports give you perseverance, a great support group of friends, and instilling how to be active and healthy for life.

As for the dream house we are building.......It has taken a little longer than anticipated to have our house built, but it will be worth the long wait. The recent recession has hit a lot of builders and people hard, but we are very pleased at our final outcome, and hope to be in it before school starts.

As for the Wilson Trojan Junior Baseball Federal team, they went to play-offs to defend their state title and did a fine job of it, too. We lost to Lake Oswego by one run and came in 2nd. The Trojans had a great season and we wish all the ball players the very best as they attend various schools and continue their baseball. I want to thank the team for sharing their head coach during such a crucial time while he came to Skokie, Illinois to be a part of my dreams. I had an incredible week at the Mrs. International pageant, though I did not bring the crown home, the experience, the growth, the memories and friends will be forever with me. To my dearest husband Rob Herder, thank you for giving me this great opportunity, I love you.

So, as summer comes to a close, ( we have about 2 and half weeks before school starts up again,) our family is busy with getting our Ranch home ready for market, trying to stay cool during our record breaking days of 106 degrees F, and connecting with family and friends. I am excited for school to start, I have moved into a larger classroom and have lots of space to store the Hawaiian costumes and instruments for the next Lei day program. Stephenson Elementary is a wonderful place to be, our principal is fabulous with her warm and caring ways, and the staff has been so supportive with my year as Mrs. Oregon International 2009.

People sometimes ask me why I entered the pageant, I tell them that it was perfect timing to be a role model to my boys on how to set a goal, plan and work toward it, then go out and do your best and have a good time. So, to my dearest boys, and to my descendants one day, Remember to Take Risks, we learn and we grow from them, Live Life to the Fullest, and Take the Power to Live your Life the way you want it to be.