Monday, February 2, 2009

Why should I start a blogg?

So, this is my first entry, I thought I would document a piece of the day and the life of Sandra Herder. What made this come around? Well a couple of things, first, my youngest son is a 8th grader this year is working on a huge project called" Peopling of the Nation." This project is a wonderful way of incorporating family ties and history, much is learned from gathering information from family members or anything that was published. He decided to learn more about his Great Grandfather, Donald Wendall Miller. My grandfather was a remarkable man, little did I know how inventive and incredible he was when it came to the H-modified or race-cars of the 1950's. He built 42 cars, 10 chassis and bodies and they are still driven as vintage cars today! As I searched the web for any information on my grandfather, it became apparent to me that technology can bring you information and research, even on my grandfather that I was raised with since age 3, who I knew so little about his building of cars. Perhaps this blog will bring in more information and provide contacts of people who knew him well or have one of his cars today.

Another reason I decided to start my blog is to document my memoirs and daily life for future descendants. I have always been one that was very interested in genealogy and preserving memories and dates of the past. My dad Don Elwood Miller is one that can remember dates of everything from weddings to births, you name it. I created a family tree dating back to my great, great grandparents, but so much has changed since I wrote to family members and collected photos and assembled it all together back in 1991.

Today is February 2nd, 2009, life is busy, but good right now. I'm working full time as a Kindergarten teacher, and absolutely loving my class. There is nothing like the innocence and honesty of 5 and 6 year olds. They say things daily that warm my heart and make me chuckle. Rob continues to teach 5th graders and enjoys his group of kids. He will be taking on a team of 5th grade boys to do a few baseball tournaments along with Eldon's 13/14 year old JBO team. Will they have another state championship year? I'll keep you posted...

My husband and I are building a house of our dreams. Rob has always been into the contemporary, simply and clean design. It is probably his artistic flair and graphic arts background. I can go with it as long as I have the say in the kitchen area:) Our house just recently had black framed windows and siding put on, the electrician is busy at work and we picked out the colors for the exterior of the house. My two teenage boys are becoming independent individuals. I think it is incredibly difficult to parent at times when you see talents that you feel your child should pursue and be lit on fire with, but they seem to be taking a different path. But I have to say this school year has been great with my eldest son driving and growing into a responsible young man that is passionate about staying clean and saying no to drugs and alcohol. He even wrote an essay about it and submitted it to Oregon Partnership. He was going for some scholarship money that was offered, he did not win, but it opened up a deep conversation in our family and I was glad that we talked about the trials of high school. His essay was titled "The life of a teenager today." My youngest boy is spending a lot of time with his dad lately, he loves to challenge him in a few games of ping pong every night. He thrives on winning and beating his dad 2 out of three. Right now he is playing basketball with dad and some parents and kids that get together every week for some "hoop time."
Until next time, remember life is too short, let your loved ones know that you care
and life is good! Count your blessings!